We have over 50 years’ experience in matters affecting Belgravia and its residents. If you are not yet a Member you can join us below.
You will not only help to further solidify our community but through regular additions to our website you will be kept aware of all local events and issues affecting Belgravia.
More importantly membership gives you access to all of the committee who have a wealth of local knowledge and can assist in matters which may affect you personally within your apartment or home in Belgravia. We can help with planning issues and disputes and indeed any other matter which you may feel needs attention.
We can act as a “go between“ and raise issues with Grosvenor, Westminster Council, The Metropolitan Police and Transport for London on behalf of our members and community, thus, can often save members time and hassle.
Additionally we hold a summer garden party in Wilton Crescent Gardens which is preceded by our Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is held in the marquee prior to the Garden party itself. These are good opportunities to meet with fellow residents and also meet the varying councillors and personnel from the statutory bodies mentioned above. The more members we have, the more influence we have in the area and the better we can look after your own issues, acting purely to assist the local resident base, whether from overzealous builders or in opposing unreasonable expansions to liquor licences.
Membership is a mere £35 per annum and covers the entire family household or £70 for Corporate Members.
To join the Belgravia Residents Association, please file the Application form and complete a payment of relevant amount through one of the secure payment methods below. Please ensure your name is printed in the reference column in order that we are able to identify your payment. For your convenience please choose a recurring payment. Once done, please file the Membership Application Form and Welcome pack will be sent to the address provided.