The Belgravia Residents Association serves as the official amenity society for Belgravia, a recognition granted by Westminster Council. In 2022, the BRA marked its 50th anniversary, having been established by and for residents to collaborate with local businesses in addressing various community issues.
Originally formed in 1972 to address leasehold law injustices, the BRA's advocacy played a crucial role in the enactment of changes under the Leasehold Reform Act. This legislation empowered leaseholders to purchase their freeholds, a right previously unavailable.
As a not-for-profit amenity society, we operate independently of charitable status, and our exempt status from filing accounts with HMRC reflects our nature. Financial support is derived from Family and Corporate Members' fees along with donations. These funds sustain our events like the Christmas Party and the Annual Meeting at the Wilton Crescent garden. Additionally, they cover expenses related to surveys prompted by planning applications and any printing needs. Notably, all committee members serve voluntarily, eliminating staffing costs.
Responding to members' requests for more social gatherings, we strive to organise such events. However, the challenge lies in covering increased costs for food, beverages, and venue hire, as membership fees only partially offset these expenses. Despite our "not for profit" status, donations play a crucial role in maintaining financial balance.
If you wish to contribute to the success of future events and support the overall functioning of the BRA, explore the options below to make your donation. Your generosity will make a significant impact on our ability to host engaging events and fulfil our community-focused mission.
Donate via Bank transfer
Belgravia Residents Association
Metro Bank
Sort code 23-05-80
Account number 44493896
Donate via Credit card or PayPal
Donate via Standing order