Basement developments
Revisions to Westminster's City Plan
From: Councillor Robert Davis MBE DL
Deputy Leader of Westminster City Council
and Cabinet Member for Built Environment
Westminster City Hall, Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP
020 7641 8574
Please reply to: Lisa Fairmaner
Telephone: 020 7641 4240
Email: planningpolicy@westminster.gov.uk
Date: 19 July 2016
Adoption of Westminster’s City Plan (July 2016) incorporating Basement and Mixed Use Revisions
Westminster City Council is making revisions to Westminster’s City Plan, adopted in November 2013. We are writing to advise you that the council resolved to adopt the latest version of Westminster’s City Plan, which includes the Basement and Mixed Use Revisions, on 13 July 2016. Westminster’s City Plan (July 2016) provides the vision, objectives, spatial policies and some detailed policies to guide development over the next fifteen to twenty years.
The Basement Revision provides the detailed policy framework for determining planning applications for basement development. The Mixed Use Revision enables the council to ensure the economic growth and success of Westminster’s core commercial areas within the Central Activities Zone.
Westminster’s City Plan (July 2016) and all associated documents can be viewed or downloaded at https://www.westminster.gov.uk/westminsters-city-plan-strategic-policies or you can request a paper copy by phoning020 7641 2503 or emailing planningpolicy@westminster.gov.uk. Copies are available for inspection at Westminster City Hall and Westminster’s libraries. These are:
The Adoption Statement
Inspector’s Reports
Integrated Impact Assessment (which comprises the sustainability appraisal report for the Basement and Mixed use Revisions to Westminster’s City Plan: Strategic Policies) and addendum, which included an updated consideration of the need for a Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening, equalities and health impact assessments.
Any person aggrieved by Westminster’s City Plan (July 2016) may make an application to the High Court under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 on the grounds that the document is not within the appropriate power and / or that a procedural requirement has not been complied with. Any such application must be made within six weeks from the date of adoption of Westminster’s City Plan and should be made to arrive by close of business on Wednesday 24 August 2016 to planningpolicy@westminster.gov.uk or posted to:
Policy & Strategy, Westminster City Council, 15th floor, City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP.
For further information please email planningpolicy@westminster.gov.uk or telephone 020 7641 2503.
Yours faithfully
Councillor Robert Davis MBE DL
Deputy Leader of Westminster City Council
Cabinet Member for the Built Environment