The Belgravia Residents Association
Established in 1972, we have over 50 years of experience in matters affecting Belgravia and its residents.
Local decisions have to be made every day, from how new buildings should look to which way traffic should flow. We work together on the variety of day to day activities that happen in the neighbourhood.
We know that residents care deeply about the neighbourhood and their way of life, so we aim to support them through our initiatives.

Our contacts
Chairman Mr James Wright, phone 07973 700 525 or email chairman@belgraviaresidents.org.uk (including events or promotions).
For membership queries please email membership@belgraviaresidents.org.uk | For environmental issues, email environment@belgraviaresidents.org.uk.
For planning issues or advice, email planning@belgraviaresidents.org.uk | Any news stories or general enquiries, email: info@belgraviaresidents.org.uk.​
Reporting issues
The best way to report a wide range of disturbances and amenity problems, like issues with noise, disturbance from builders, problems with waste collection or recycling collection, street cleanliness and so on is to visit Westminster City Council's Report It website.
You can also call Westminster City Council's 24 hour helpline 020 7641 2000, or email environmentalactionline@westminster.gov.uk. It is important to get a reference number from the call centre or by email so that this can be followed up if problem persists.
You can also contact our City Inspectors: Tom Woods, Knightsbridge & Belgravia ward: 020 7641 1599 or by email twoods@westminster.gov.uk | Stuart Ross, Churchill ward: 020 7641 2305 or by email sross2@westminster.gov.uk.​
To contact the council's Senior Planning Officer who looks after Belgravia & Knightsbridge: 020 7641 2000 or by email planningenforcementteam@westminster.gov.uk.